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Summer Camp

Summer camp is without a doubt the Troop’s single most important event each year as it is our only long term camping activity in which every Scout participates. Summer camp gives each Scout an opportunity to fully experience everything that Scouting’s outdoor program has to offer and provides the Troop an excellent opportunity to bond into a cohesive unit. For many Scouts, a large portion of their skill development and rank advancement during the year is accomplished at summer camp.

The Patrol Method is fully practiced at summer camp. This means that both meals and tenting are organized and run by the Patrols. In addition, each Patrol will have the opportunity to serve as program Patrol (Flags) and as service Patrol (latrine duty) at least one time during the week.

Rough Scouts and Summer Camp

It is especially critical that 1st year Rough Scouts attend summer camp. Studies have shown (and experience has borne out) that if a new Scout does not attend Summer Camp he is ten times more likely to drop out of Scouting within his first year of joining than those that do attend camp. A major reason is that by attending camp they complete at least 80% of their requirements for the Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class rank advancements. Those that don’t attend fall behind their peers, and feel left out.

While at Camp

Every Scout registers for activities so that the entire time available to him is fully booked. While the specific activities available at summer camp will vary from year-to-year and camp-to-camp, in general everyone participates in a combination of Merit Badge Classes and a variety of other activities offered just for fun. Some of these fun activities can include swimming, archery, rifle and shotgun shooting, rock climbing and/or repelling, mountain biking, and so on. Swimming is a major activity at every summer camp. There are a variety of swimming programs available ranging from lessons for non-swimmers to BSA Lifeguard and the Mile Swim. Everyone (except the non-swimmers) participates in a “swim check” the first day of camp. Non-swimmers are enrolled in a special class to develop their swimming skills.


Summer camp registration fees range from around $500 to $700 per week, depending on the camp, plus bus transportation fees, bringing the usual cost of camp to ~$900. Payment is due well in advance. For those Scouts under financial hardship who have difficulty affording the registration fees, Campership awards are available. Contact the Troop Committee Chairperson for details. Please note that some of the merit badge courses and other activities do require additional costs ranging from a few dollars to $30 or more. Otherwise, experience has shown that $25 in spending money amply covers a Scout’s needs for the week.

Scout Camp Directory – This link is to a site that has reviews various Scout Camps that you may want to attend. It has been posted here for the Scouts to be able to do their research when picking a summer camp.

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