Troop Covid-19 Outing Guidelines-571
The following guidelines are in place to guide scouts in planning troop outings and events during the Covid-19 pandemic. These guidelines are targeted at minimizing risk. They are not a guarantee against it.
Practice good hygiene – always
- Hands should be washed for at least 20 seconds with soap and water before handling food, before eating, after using a restroom (if soap and water are not readily available, clean hands with hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol)
- Always cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing – and avoid coughing / sneezing around food being prepared for others
Face Masks
- Required for all indoor activities
- Participants are responsible for providing and bringing their own masks (recommend each person has 2-3 masks for outings) and wearing them properly
- Sharing tents is allowed; scouts also have the option of tenting alone
- Food groups or cooking for groups is allowed (food sharing is not recommended)
- Allowed
- Masks and/or rolled down windows recommended
Permission Forms
- Include complete details about the activity so families can be informed and make decisions that work best for them
- Parent/guardian signatures are required
As is always the case, all activities must comply with:
- BSA’s Guide to Safe Scouting and Youth Protection Policies
- State, County, and City restrictions and guidelines
- Parish restrictions and guidelines
Questions about these guidelines? Please contact our leadership team:
Chief Seattle Council: Scouting from a Distance