The Life to Eagle Program was developed to help Life Scouts complete the journey to Eagle rank. The program is centered around the Life to Eagle Guidebook and takes you step by step through the process.
What to Do First
Create a Life to Eagle Notebook. Print out a copy of the following documents and put them in a 3 ring binder. Read all the material carefully.
Request a meeting with your Troop Eagle Coach from the Scoutmaster or the Troop Committee Chair to discuss your plans to become an Eagle Scout. They will help you set goals and a timeline for completion.
Review your Official BSA Records. Contact your Troop Advancement Chair and ask them to verify your records as shown in both the National BSA database and run an individual advancement report from TroopMaster Web. You and they can do this on-line. Now is the time to make any corrections to insure the national advancement records match your unit’s records. Your application data needs to match the BSA National Database.
If you have any questions, talk to your Scoutmaster or your troop’s Eagle Coach. This will be a valuable resource and will save you a lot of time later.